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Can't access Web UI from VM and I'm have no idea about networking

Go to solution Solved by Veah,

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Everything was working fine. Turned the server off to switch a hard drive for a larger one and now I can't access the Web UI or ping the server from inside a VM.


My local network is Unraid server is at and the VM is


The VM uses vhost0, which I don't know what it means. I also don't understand what virbr0 or docker0 are.


Attached is my routing table.


br-4ea9173f4445 I guess is a custom docker network I created because I otherwise couldn't make the containers reach each other. I named it "dockernet" don't know why it has a weird name in the routing table. And I don't have "preserve custom networks" enabled, but it doesn't get deleted. I'm afraid to enable it.


I've read some posts about adding a route from to vhost0, but when I add it nothing changes. The routing table stays the same.


Can somebody help me?



Cannot do it right now because the data rebuild from the drive swap is still going. But will try. Although I think I disabled bridging myself like a month or two ago, when I updated to 6.12.6 and the "fix common problems" plugin told me to because it was the recommended macvlan configuration for docker or something like that.


The bonding being enabled... I do think it's useless because I have a single ethernet connection (that's what it is for, right? to use multiple ethernet connections as if it was a single one) but I've had it enabled since day one years ago. So like I have "preserve custom networks" disabled even though I have a custom docker network. I'm afraid to touch it because it works (or was working, at least). What do I get by disabling bonding? Any performance improvement or lower use of resources?


Your understanding of bonding is correct.  It combines multiple network connections to a single bigger one.  If you run only 1 nic, it is useless.  Turn it off.  It is just an extra cog in the machine that can break.


So I enabled bridging, disabled bonding and enabled "preserve custom networks" because I felt brave. But now I have the "Fix Common Problems" plugin mentioning the error "Macvlan and Bridging found" and pointing me to this page. Which is what happened months ago and I disabled bridging because of it.

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