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replace 2 parity drive.

Go to solution Solved by JonathanM,

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Just ordered 2 bigger hard drive and plan to make it my new parity.  Can i just

1) remove the 2 old parity drive

2) insert new one (pre-clear)

3) run parity?

4) use 2 old parity drive as data drive.

  • Solution

Depending on how much risk you want to expose yourself, you could do one parity at a time, that way you will always have valid parity if a data disk fails. Preclear is totally optional, it won't speed things up, but it will test the new drives for infant mortality.


When you get to the point of adding old parity drives to data slots, be sure to make new backups and delete all your old flash drive backups, or mark them in some way so you never try to use them. If you accidentally use a backup that has your old layout, the first thing Unraid will do is overwrite your data drives that were parity.

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