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Looking for confirmation on hardrive choices


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Been out of the unraid scene for a while, but wanted to double check on some things.


I'm currently running 4.7 and up until now, I've been running with strictly 1.5TB Seagates. I'm about to jump to 2TB drives and may be mixing in some green/eco drives.


1. From what I've gathered, it's recommended to try and keep the parity drive as a 7200 RPM drive. I was looking at using a Hitachi 2TB 7K3000 as my parity drive.


2. I also have some Samsung HD204UI, which I picked up from a friend at a great deal new, that I will be using as data drives.

These are dated 03/2011 and from what I've read, as long as the drive was manufactured after 11/2010 it will have the fixed firmware.


3. Also the Samsung's are Advanced Format drives, so using them in 4.7 is fine. And when pre-clearing them I should use the -A option.




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The drives are pretty well covered on the forums. As long as your on the latest firmware recommended by the HD vendor and not using a drive reported bad by other users on this forum and the forums on the net your probably good. I'm using the WD 2TB drives and do far so good.


The problems start when you don't use a recommended controller. It seems that everyone is using some form of LSI or a 3rd party OEM LSI. Do your homework and Che k out the controller I can say everything will work. That's assuming your on a motherboard made in this decade.



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The drives are pretty well covered on the forums.

yeah, I had to dig a bit deeper as there are a lot of older posts talking about the firmware issues, but after I found the recent ones I got my confirmation. So all looks good with these Samsung drives. Still only on the first drive preclear.


The problems start when you don't use a recommended controller. It seems that everyone is using some form of LSI or a 3rd party OEM LSI. Do your homework and Che k out the controller I can say everything will work. That's assuming your on a motherboard made in this decade.

Yeah, this is an existing unraid server that I've had running for a long time. I'm using the same SYBA SY-PEX40008 contollers that I've been using for past couple years. Never had an issue with them, so I keep sticking with them.




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