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Is this possible


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Im thinking of setting up unraid as a file server for work(using an old sbs2003 windows machine that's on it's last legs ATM) the files are just thousands of .pdfs linked to a php intranet and web site.


I have a scanner that scans documents to pdf's and transfers over smb with password protection, so this device would need to have write permission.


The intranet and web php sites would need read permissions only.


All users on intranet and web need read permission only (excep me how would like bothe read/write


Hope this is achievable as love how easy the server is to expand and have been using unraid for sometime at home for my media server, it's so reliable


Thanks in advanced!

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I have hunted for an answer on this but have yet to find an answer, btw I'm a total nobo re unraid but love the built in backup and easyly expandable nature. (had to expand a sbs2003 which caused me headaches)


Is it possible to just set a chmod to the files as read only for users and web?


Note I will be having a small apache web server to run the intranet program (basically just a search based php/mysql site that links customer jobs to scanned pdf's that will be accasable to our staff/customers)

Hope someone can give me a brief explanation of how to achieve this or maybe the unraid / apache combo might be over kill?

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