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HELP: Brand new build, phantom 3rd disk in array & possible HPA? in unMenu

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This is my first build I'm using 3 brand new 2 TB drives. Just got the array and shares built this evening and encountered a possible network issue (seems to be connecting at 100Mb/s on GigE LAN). Gave up troubleshooting that for the night after several reboots and cable swaps.


One last check of unMenu and I now see a THIRD drive in the array listed as Parity with HPA? as it's status..?? I have only added 2 of 3 drives to the array, with the intention of adding the third as parity once data migration is complete.


I am attaching my SysLog as well as the Preclear results.


Setup is as follows:

MoBo: Biostar A880G+

USB: Verbatim Store N' Stay 4 GB (reported as Blacklisted in unRaid)

HDDs: Hitachi HDS5C3020ALa632 x2 (ONE in array as DATA drive)

          Seagate ST2000DL003 (in array as DATA drive)

CPU: AMD Sempron 145

RAM: Crucial 2GB

5x3 HotSwap: NORCO SS-500 (connected to MoBo SATA. Contains both DATA drives I added to the array)

Single HotSwap: SNT-125B (connected to MoBo: Contains 3rd drive to be used for parity(NOT yet added to array))

PSU: XFX Core Edition PRO550W



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