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  1. Nevermind. My issue seems to be with the Crunchy iOS reader app. Apparently, it can't handle files >1 GB.
  2. I've upped my docker image file size to 50 GB and my download is still timing out, so it doesn't seem to be an image size limitation.
  3. KOMGA question: I've been running the container for years without issue. I use the Crunchy app on iOS and download books via OPDS. I'm using a custom domain and NPM reverse proxy setup with a CF tunnel. This has been fine, but now I'm trying to download a single, large book ~2.9 GB. The download fails every time with a Crunchy error "Network Connection Lost". It seems that the container is hitting some limit filling up the Docker disk image file. unRaid notifies that the disk image utilization is high around 20% of the download, then the DL fails before 50%, and the image utilization returns to normal. My docker config for the image file is 35 GB, with ~28 GB contained. The warning notification fires if it goes above 70%. Is there anything I can adjust?
  4. Can someone ELI5 an annoyance I have accessing my shares via SMB and File Explorer from a Win11 PC on my network? Basically, why does it sometimes access the "TOWER" right away, but other times I get "ACCESS DENIED"? I have an uNRaid user that matches my Windows user. In File Explorer on Windows, the shares show up in the navigation pane's "Network" group as "TOWERNAME". IF that's displayed, I can just double click and get right into the shares as expected. Sometimes, however, I have to expand the "Network" group. If that's the case and I try to click on "TOWERNAME", I get Access Denied. Also, the 2nd scenario seems to always be the case when accessing vie a "Browse..." menu for saving files. In either case, I am always able to access if I type the IP address into File Explorer's address bar regardless of how TOWERNAME displays in the navigation pane. I'm a networking idiot so I don't know if this is due to my bad configuration or just quirk in how windows does SMB?
  5. I'm not finding any info in either documentation regarding an existing configuration option for permissions or how to add them to the template. I'm probably overlooking it.
  6. Is there an environment variable available to set UMASK for the SLSKD container? Right now all files/folders are set as -rw-r--r--
  7. I am using the default. Oddly enough, I upgraded unRaid last night from v6.11.5 to v6.12.4, and now it is working as expected. Loving the container!
  8. I just installed SLSKD and it works great! However, if I launch the WebUI via unRaid, browser URL field is blank and nothing loads. However entering the IP:PORT in the browser works. I am routing the container through another for VPN. In the VPN container I have added both the HTTP & HTTPS ports indicated in the SLSKD template. I'm sure I'm overlooking something basic in my config.
  9. I've been putting off upgrading but think I'd like to take the plunge so as to not fall any farther behind. I've been reading up on the history of the MACVLAN vs. IPVLAN issues and am hoping I won't have trouble. But I'd like to know if there are steps I can take to help make sure it will go as smoothly as possible. For instance: I've not used any manual/static IPs for my containers. Would it benefit me to switch them all/some over prior to the upgrade? Should I try switching to IPVLAN before the upgrade? Server mobo has 2 NICs + IPMI. I currently have the NICs as bond0 for redundancy, but only 1 is currently connected to the switch. I am using a custom Docker network for all of my containers (except iPerf3 as Host & Macinabox as Bridge). Will this help or hurt my chances for issues? I am using a domain with Cloudflare tunnel + NGINX reverse proxy. I only 1 router port forwarded to the server for PLEX. Will anything need adjusted on my router? Home network is simple: Modem > Router > Switch (unmanaged) > Clients (unRaid Server, PCs, VOIP, & AP [for phones, tablets, & TV]) The server is assigned a static IP in the router. I don't have any other Container-specific configurations, VLANS, or special firewall rules for unRaid What tests/diagnostics/errors should I look our for after the upgrade? Anything else I'm overlooking? Here is a link to my Network & Docker configs. Please let me know if any other settings or console outputs would be useful.
  10. I've used "GRANT ALL" & "SET OWNER" for the user on this database Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk
  11. I've tried to follow the install instructions for Invidious but I am unable to access the WebUI. I am getting the following error in the logs (seems to repeat for all tables): Unhandled exception in spawn: permission denied for table users (PQ::PQError) from lib/pg/src/pq/connection.cr:202:22 in 'handle_error' from lib/pg/src/pq/connection.cr:220:65 in 'handle_async_frames' from lib/pg/src/pq/connection.cr:162:7 in 'read' from lib/pg/src/pq/connection.cr:414:31 in 'perform_query' from lib/db/src/db/statement.cr:80:7 in 'query:args' from lib/db/src/db/pool_statement.cr:29:30 in 'query:args' from lib/db/src/db/query_methods.cr:61:12 in 'begin' from src/invidious/jobs.cr:37:15 in '->' from /usr/share/crystal/src/fiber.cr:146:11 in 'run' from ??? Please let me know what info/files I can attach for more info.
  12. Is this not possible? Should I just delete the VM and start over?
  13. Every time I spin up the VM I get an error about memory module configuration. Here are screenshots of the error as well as the info from macOS.
  14. Woke up to this error notification this morning. The system seems to be ok now so I'm not sure of the severity, other than this should never happen if everything is configured correctly, right? I set up a macOS VM yesterday using the Macinabox container. This is the first VM I've used (aside from quick testing way back when), so I'm guessing I might have configured that wrong somehow? can someone please take a peek at my diagnostics to see what the culprit is so I can read up on a solution? mootower-diagnostics-20230813-0739.zip
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