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Rebuilding failed disk

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Today i noticed a DISK_DBL on unmenu, so I stopped the array took the offending disk offline and rebooted. After the reboot i put the disk back in the array. The dot went from red to blue. Once I started the array the disk went from blue to red while doing the data rebuild. Is this normal?



What should I do.


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It was almost certainly disabled due to a write failure. We can't tell, because you haven't posted your syslog. You then tried to rebuild the data onto the same disk, and it had another write failure.


The only thing to do is to replace that disk. If you test that disk thoroughly and find you want to put it back into service or keep it as a spare, then you can do that. Otherwise, you should either RMA it back to the manufacturer (if you're still under warranty) or recycle it (if you aren't).



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