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Can anyone help using the SNAP addon for unRaid?


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The addon SNAP looks like exactly what I have been looking for, however reading through im not sure on how to set it up to do what I need. Im not particularly literate with linux im afraid. Can anyone help, even if its to point me in the right direction?


I have a 7TB array running unraid stable, about 9 months old. Its in an HP N40L microserver chassis.


I have samba shares set up ie /Movies/HD/, /Movies/SD/, /TV/ etc. Set to automatically fill and span free space so each of the storage drives fills up evenly.


I want to be able to copy files onto my NTFS USB Flash at work, making sure that I use the same folder structure (ie /Movies/SD/abc.mkv) then plug it into the unraid box at home and have the contents automatically download to the correct share.


Apologies if this is a little unclear, or if I have got the wrong end of the stick about whether this is actually possible.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I was also thinking of installing SNAP, but for a slightly different use.  I decided to hold off for two reasons:


1) There has been a bit of negative posting re the GUI and I am not interested in a Command Line interface


2) The author has not been heard from since mid April 2012


Clearly you could just do a copy from a windows machine to the unRaid system.  I do that quite a bit when I rip a movie to local storage and then copy it over at night while I am asleep.

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