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[SOLVED] Missing Data After Disk Upgrade

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Hi All,


I seem to have an issue!.... I have swapped an old 250Gb HDD with a new 2Tb one. I followed the usual procedure which I have done before. Swapping drives, powering on, assigning new HDD to same location as Old and then ticking "I really want to do this" and let unRAID rebuild.


However.... during the rebuild phase the box hung, I could not bring up the GUI in my browser and when I connected a screen directly I saw a memory error (which I now wish I had taken a note of). Anyway the system rebooted with one Ctrl+Alt+Del and then started a parity check. This has just finished an I have have missing data. The new drive is showing with a green ball (all drives are). I have noticed lots of errors flow through the syslog during the parity check and have attached a syslog for your reference. I do suspect however that it only contains entries after the forced reboot.


Can anyone assist or give me a clue to whether there is any chance of recovering my lost data (I do have the old drive still... could it be as simple as swapping that back in?). I'm using

unRAID Server Pro - Ver: 4..7



Many thanks


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Anyway the system rebooted with one Ctrl+Alt+Del and then started a parity check. This has just finished an I have have missing data.


If this was the default parity check with correction, then I fear that the missing data will no longer be recovered.  If that is the case, your only option is to go back and recover the files from the old drive.

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I have un-assigned disk2, started the array (which flagged the missing disk) then stopped the array and assigned disk2, the rebuild has started... about 8hrs left to go.


Out of interest the array has come back online (rebuild still in progress) and I still see that the data is still missing... if this rebuild is to work and recover the data should it be there as soon as the rebuild starts or would the data not appear until the rebuild is complete?


Just hoping that I won't have to recover the data from the old drive... if I do how would I go about doing that?


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Out of interest the array has come back online (rebuild still in progress) and I still see that the data is still missing... if this rebuild is to work and recover the data should it be there as soon as the rebuild starts or would the data not appear until the rebuild is complete?


The data would reappear immediately because the 'missing' drive is being simulated from the data on all the other drives, plus parity..  The problem is that your parity was recalculated after the data went missing.


I really dislike the 'correct' setting being the default.  For a time, during 5 beta, the default was 'no correct', and that is much better in that it allows the user to make an informed choice.


Recovering the data from the old drive should be relatively simple - especially if you use unMENU.  You need to mount the old drive, outside of the protected array (which unMENU allows you to do by simple button click, on the 'Disk Management' page).  Then you can use mc (midnight commander) to copy the data from the old drive onto drives within the protected array.

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Thanks for the info Peter, that makes perfect sense.


I have read many times the warnings of parity correction, however I didn't even realise I had stumbled into the problem with the unexpected reboot!


I'll let the rebuild complete and then tackle the data recovery.


I do use unMENU and should be able to bring up the old HDD outside of the array without any problem. As for midnight commander I have never used it and am a bit nervous of doing more damage! I shall research the process before undertaking it and may post a question or two.


As always the support in this forum is outstanding from our Hero Members... thank you  :)

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Hi Peter


I now have the old disk mounted outside the array. I have shared it so that i can view the data... it does not appear to hold all the missing data.


For example I have TV Shows filed in alphabetical directories... the array currently shows the following directories... C, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N, R, T, W the old drive shows F, I, M, Q, S, W, X, Z. Secondly there are files missing throughout this and other shares (the directories do not hold all the data they once did) and the missing data when put with the array as it stands will not appear to recover all missing data.


Am I missing something? Will it all magically appear if I copy data back into the array?  :-\


Every directory I open I locate more missing data... this is no longer a few missing files, this is Gigs of missing data, some quite important.

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OK a bit of an update and a plea for a little more guidance please...


I have run reiserfsck on md2 which instructed me to re-run with the --rebuild-tree switch. Done that and recovered 3 files, moved them into the array using MC... great! It now appears that I am not getting the file system errors... great again.


Now back to recovering the missing data... I have the old disk2 mounted outside the array, should I simply copy the contents to /mnt/user and hope all comes back even though (from what I can see) not all missing data is on disk2?


The other thing I have noticed... which is odd to me... is that disk2 (which was a 250Gb replaced by a 2Tb - which is where this mess started) is being reported by the unRAID Main menu as 2Tb but by unMenu Main as 250Gb... strange  :-\


Could someone please give me some more pointers on recovering the data... after the success of reiserfsck and reading other posts I'm semi-confident that it can be done but concerned I'll make matters worse without some Hero guidance.


Thanks in advance




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