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Replacing 2TB Parity w/3TB - Lots of Errors During Parity-Sync (5.0-rc6-r8168)

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I just upgraded to v5.0-rc6-r8168 (from 4.7) today and replaced my parity drive with a 3TB drive. I've begun the parity-sync process but monitoring the process in the web GUI is giving me pause (please see the png I'm attaching).


Notice how data drives 1-8 aren't reporting their temperature and have an alarming amount of errors reported? The number of errors goes up by the second, with every refresh. These drives are all on the same controller (system specs below). I'm also worried because shouldn't there be writes to the new parity drive being reported?


System specs:

  Motherboard: ECS A885GM-A2

  CPU: AMD Sempron 145 Sargas 2.8GHz

  RAM: Crucial 2GB PC3 10600 (1GB X 2)


  Case: Norco 4220


All of my hard drives are connected via the two Supermicro controllers. Drives 1-8 (the ones showing the errors) are all on the same controller, while the other data drives and the parity drive are all on the other other.


Any ideas what's causing the problem? Should I allow parity sync to continue, or should I stop the process?




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Had a similar issue with my SAS2LP cards. Fixed it by disabling PCI-E OPROM in the BIOS for the 3 PCI slots the cards were in. The hard drives wont be detected on startup after you do this, but unRAID doesn't need them to be.


You should stop the process, it's not doing you any good until you fix the problem.

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Thanks for the reply. I booted into BIOS and looked for the setting that you mentioned, but it doesn't seem that my motherboard has such a setting. Can you think of any other wording that my particular BIOS might use? The settings in my mobo's BIOS for PCI/PnP setup has only one parameter, for "Init Display First" and the choices are "PCI" or "PCI-E."


Even worse, on rebooting, I had one drive red-balled, and another one reporting "unformatted" so I have taken all of my data drives out of my new system and back into my old for a parity-check which will set me back a day, but I need to figure out my new motherboard anyway.


Thanks for the help, tyrindor.

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Thanks for the reply. I booted into BIOS and looked for the setting that you mentioned, but it doesn't seem that my motherboard has such a setting. Can you think of any other wording that my particular BIOS might use? The settings in my mobo's BIOS for PCI/PnP setup has only one parameter, for "Init Display First" and the choices are "PCI" or "PCI-E."


Even worse, on rebooting, I had one drive red-balled, and another one reporting "unformatted" so I have taken all of my data drives out of my new system and back into my old for a parity-check which will set me back a day, but I need to figure out my new motherboard anyway.


Thanks for the help, tyrindor.

the settings won't be in your motherboard's bios.

you need to wait until AFTER your motherboard's bios loads, then the controller card's bios would load next.

it will require a key press similar to ctrl+m or something.

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the settings won't be in your motherboard's bios.

you need to wait until AFTER your motherboard's bios loads, then the controller card's bios would load next.

it will require a key press similar to ctrl+m or something.


I'm in the BIOS setup for the cards and there seems to be nothing that would indicate the "PCI-E OPROM" I'm looking for.


There are five parameters under "Controller Config": INT13h, Silent Mode, Halt On Error, Staggered Spin Up, and HDD-Detect Times.


It's always possible I'm missing something obvious, though. Am I?




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This probably will not fix the issue. It will prevent the disks from being considered as boot devices.


Yeah, I booted up without my data disks installed and expected for BIOS to skip the controllers, but the behavior was exactly the same as before, so that probably wasn't the right answer.




UPDATE: I could not get this motherboard to work. I went with a SUPERMICRO MBD-X9SCM-F-O instead.

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