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[SOLVED] NOOB - Did I toast my controller??

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UnRAID 4.7, upgraded to Plus today so i could add a third data drive.  After stopping the array (but not shutting down UnRAID), I shoved the drive into my Norco SS-500 bay.  By that time, I started reading the instructions (a nice time to start reading) and they said to shutdown the server to add a drive.  I then shutdown UnRAID  and rebooted (with new drive installed).  Now I can't get UnRAID to boot.  Are hot swap bays not hot swap??  I pulled all the drives and was able to boot into linux.  Could someone take a look at my log and point me in the right direction??  It apparently isn't seeing the drives??  Hopefully I just messed up UnRAID and not a controller.


Many Thanks


BTW SuperMicro MB, MBD-X8SIL-F-O


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Thanks for the replies....

I'm at a loss.  I pulled all the drives out of the cage, hooked them up & Unraid booted.  I put all the drives back into the cage and it booted again.  I don't have a clue why but it is working now.  I reseated all the cables before I started doing any troubleshooting.  Anyway, I'm preclearing the new drive now.  The only thing different at this point is the 5th (last) controller cable isn't plugged in the cage because I don't need it.  I may get brave & plug it in down the road.  AFTER SHUTTING EVERYTHING DOWN.



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