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[Solved] Looking for PCI or PCIe x1 expansion recommendations


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I've spent some time reading older posts, and between the 5.x beta and potential motherboard incompatibilities I thought it best to ask the experts for advice.


I am currently running a Biostar a760g M2+ motherboard http://www.biostar.com.tw/app/en/mb/introduction.php?S_ID=394 with a Sempron 140 CPU and a Supermicro AOC-SASLP-MV8. (unRaid 5.0-beta13).


I also have an Intel nic plugged into one PCI slot, so I have one free PCI slot, and one free PCIe x1 slot to play with.


Can you recommend expansion options for me that are not necessarily fast, but proven reliable over time?  Don't know if 3TB drives are possible on these small cards, but that would be an added bonus as well.  Many thanks.

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