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first ever red ball....

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If a disk was disabled, a write to it failed.


Since you elected to provide no other clues, no syslog for analysis, and no description of your disks/disk controllers, etc, and no syslog for analysis, we are as clueless as you.  You did not even mention which version of unRAID you are running.


See the instructions in the wiki for how to proceed.  http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php/FAQ#What_does_the_Red_Ball_mean.3F

Once the issue causing the write failure is resolved, the disk will need to be re-constructed, as it is guaranteed to be out-of-date,since a write to it failed  (or multiple writes failed)


The smart report of the disk shows no obvious issue.  It does NOT mean the disk can be trusted, just that it returns a smart report and is not completely dead.  It could be perfectly fine, and the issue a loose cable.  Or, it could be a power supply issue, or a disk controller issue.

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