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Antec 1200 Owners - Side Panel Question


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Just looking for some other users views, as I've seen a few people on the forum are using this case!


Its not been long since mine arrived, but having actually gotten around to opening the side panels I've discovered that they seem to be a really awful fit.  :o


The panels don't seem to be completely flush with the top of the case and move in & out if you press them at the top edge.


Also the thumb screws at the rear are extremely difficult to get in - they don't seem to line up like they do on other cases I've owned (not Antec cases).


Is this typical build quality for Antec these days? Or should I be returning it for a replacement?

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I have 2 Antec 1200 v2 cases and an Antec 900 case. I haven't had any problems like the ones your mentioning. The build quality has been very good. I do know that the thumb screws on the back of one of my cases is difficult to get in, but I think I lost the original screws and I had to use a different screw.


Just my 2cents.

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Thanks for sharing your experience with this case, does sound like this isn't the norm.


Think I will try getting in touch with Antec directly and see if they will replace the side panel - would be much easier than sending the whole case back!


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S2 using Tapatalk 2



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