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sabnzbd postprocessing for anime (via anidb.net)


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well, this is not strictly unraid related, but i believe a lot of you guys are using sabnzbd to download tv shows (using sickbeard postprocessing)

i found sickbeard somewhat lacking in case of anime. (i know that there is a special version of sickbeard for anime, but i never tried it)


i wrote my own postprocessing script, which gets it's data from anidb.net

maybe it is of use to some of you.


you can find it here: https://github.com/Benni-chan/SABnzbd--Postprocessing-for-Anidb.net


installation: just download all files into your sabnzbd-script folder. then select sabtoanidb.py as your postprocessing script in your anime category in sabnzbd.

also you need to edit anidb.cfg. it needs you anidb username and password (sorry, anidb will only return data after you login). also you might want to change the folder in the config. this is the target directory, where all processed anime will be moved to.


i am using it for some time now and know of several others, who are using the script. so it should work without too much troubles.

note: if the specific file is not yet in anidb, the postprocessing will fail. happens sometimes with new releases.

in that case simply run the script via terminal.

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