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How can I make sab/sb/cp etc run as "my user name" so I can take ownership of the entire directory structure of my media share, and modify, delete, and move files as I choose?  Right now its running as nobody (I assume) and I have to chown and chmod permissions from the command line to make changes, and then chown/chmod back to the original settings to the apps run correctly.  This is hugely painful.



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Keep it as nobody; there is probably a different issue that would still persist if you changed it to <yourusername>.


In SAB, ensure the download permissions are set correctly - most likely they are not. I had this same issue. I placed mine at 777, but you can do whatever setting you are comfortable with. Go to CONFIG --> FOLDERS --> and in the setting "Permissions for completed downloads" set that to your preference (again, I'm at 777, put it to what you're comfortable with).


After you do that, run the New Permissions setting. The other programs should now make/move files with the parent folder's permission settings.


LMK if that does or doesn't work, but it's a start.

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Forgive me... I've read about it, but where do I find the "New Permissions" script?


My issues were permissions problems all along.  I log into my workstation as "user" and created the media folder on my server as this user (from Windows).  "user" has read/write permissions in the share tab.  I tried to delete, rename, and move some files around the "media" share (that Sab had saved) and got errors related to permissions.  So I telnet'd into the server and used chown to change the permissions on those folders to "user."  Then Sab broke, badly, and hung the server.  When I changed the ownership on the media share to "nobody" Sab started working again, but now "user" can't do anything with those files...


That is my dilemma.  Every time I want to move files around, I have to change ownership to "user" and then back to "nobody" when I'm done, or Sab pukes.

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Do you use the sab plugin? I'd personally do this (have nothing running at this point)


Run the New Permission script which can be found by going to Utils --> New Permisions

Run Sab as user "nobody", then make sure the Permisions are set how I mentioned before

Remove your user shares, no need for them to be set that way and seems like its causing more issues tha it's helping


Let me know if that works and we'll go from there!

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I apologize - I meant to say remove the "User" shares; where you have connected to the shares as "User". Just try, for now, connecting to the shares w/out any login credentials.


Maybe I read you wrong, but I took it as you had your shares set up as smb://user:password@path/to/share, but I may have read that incorrectly.

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