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How does Sab know if its a movie or a tv show?


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I have two shares:


/mnt/user/movies (exported as "movies")

/mnt/user/tv_shows (exported as "tv_shows")


SB downloads shows and CP downloads movies.  But how does SB know to put movies in the movies directory etc?  And its not creating season folders in the tv_shows share.  In fact, I have a "movies" directory in the "tv_shows" share and all of my content is downloaded there... mostly unorganized (in directory names called "show_season_episode").  I thought I'd seen folks online with show/season/episode/files as their structure, which is what I'm trying to do...


Anyway, there are permissions things going on apparently as I have to use chown/chmod from the command line to move content around to the proper place (can't do it from Windows explorer) and moving a file with a ton of strange characters in it (like you get with usenet downloads) means it takes me hours by hand to organize my stuff.

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