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M1015 questions

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I have read numerous threads regarding this card, but forgive me as I still have questions.


I am looking to add a card to support an additional 5-drive cage, and my only concerns are that a> it works and b> its as simple as possible.


I've read threads regarding flashing firmware onto this card, and how it doesn't work on all motherboards.


Certain ebay sellers are selling this board with the option of flashing various firmwares before it ships.


I'm looking for best practice here.  I don't want to take the chance that I have to find a MB in my box of parts that will actually work with flashing this board... Has anyone used an ebay seller that has offered them pre-flashed?  What version did you go with?



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I bought an M1015 flashed already from an ebay seller (daiv-2012), and he also included the necessary cables for 8 drives. Make sure you have it flashed with the LSI9211-8i (IT) or LSI9210-8i (IT) firmware. By purchasing it with the firmware already flashed as is possible with this seller, you avoid most difficulties with motherboards.


Some motherboards that have only one PCI-e 16-lane slot intend it to only be used for a graphics card, and will not accept anything but a graphics card. That was true in my case, with a Dell Dimension 4700 that is now half a dozen years old. But when I flashed a new BIOS into the motherboard (using Dell's final and latest download), that opened up the PCI-e slot for multi-purpose use. If your motherboard was early in the PCI-e deployment cycle, you might make sure you can update the BIOS if necessary. I'm expecting that newer motherboards won't have this issue.


But there is no way to know whether it will work until you try it. Sorry, but that's as good as it gets. That sort-of comes with the territory with a home-built computer where you are re-using old stuff, in my experience.


These are good controllers because they provide an independent PCI-e lane for each disk. That removes the PCI bus from any chance of being the bottleneck in the system. They also seem to be built for the enterprise market. The cables and connectors are better than usual.


You will need a late release candidate of unRAID version 5 to use any of the LSI controllers. I'm using the latest, rc8a.


I don't see any M1015's for sale on ebay at the moment, however.


Rick "noting that the M1015 in this box is faster than the on-board SATA ports" Denney

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