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So who has an OFFSITE UnRaid backup their UnRaid?

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Hi Everyone,


I think I'm finally going to have two unRaid (Pro) machines setup.  I plan to backup my main UnRaid to my new/second UnRaid box - and then move one of them offsite.


At this point, since I can't figure our RSync, I'm paying for CrashPlan to clone them (I want unencrypted data on both machines - a feature of CrashPlan's paid service).


Currently my drives are not identical on the machines - one is older with 1.5 and 2.0 drives...  The new machine has five 3.0s and a couple of 1.5s.  Is this okay or should I set them up so they have exactly the same size drives in the same positions?


So, who's doing this already?  Any big suggestions?


Thanks for any advice,



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I backup parts of my library to an offsite server at my office using rsyncdiff. I have been chatting with Influencer as we intend to release it as a plugin. However I do not backup my entire array for a variety of reasons:


Backing up 40+ TB of data is expensive.  And if I suffer a complete loss of data from a fire, flood, tornado or other natural disaster -- the least of my worries will be the segments of data I am not backing up.


If you were to backup 1TB via s3 or cloudfront through an app like jungledisk you could expect to spend $150 per TB (0.15/gb).


Drive positions shouldnt matter if youre just copying data over. 

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Hi Shat,


I have a little less data than you - 18TB...  But it's 100% personal data (family archives of videos, photographs, family tree, etc.)  Would love to see a plugin - I bought three years of CrashPlan to get me started with this, so you have some time to get the bugs worked out.  :-)


I understand it'd cost a bunch to backup to JungleDisk - which is why I have a second UnRaid built...  and I know it will take a long time to sync them over my network - but once that's done, I think they'll be able to stay fairly identical over the Internet.


I was wondering about "best practices" I guess on drive positions - is it easier if "disk3" on both machines is exactly the same size?  It seems to me that'd make things easier for the human involved?  :-)


Thanks for your ideas,



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Well that depends on your exact goal, if you want a 100% mirror copy the disks should be the same size. If you are just looking to back up your shares, you could set the second unraid up with the settings you want and then backup from /mnt/user, that would back up shares regardless of what disk the files are on and let the offsite unraid decide the best location for the file based on your settings. This method would probably be best as if you add a new disk to your production server as long as there is room left on the backup server you wouldn't immediately have to add a new disk to it. If you backup disk to disk, you would need the same number of disks.

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