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Unable to access http://tower/main or any apps after reboot

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I upgraded from 4.7 to 5.0rc8 this afternoon. I got all of my apps (Sickbeard, sabnzbd, Couchpotato, Plex) running with the new plugin installs. Got SimpleFeatures installed as well.


I rebooted the server once I got home to install a new drive and start preclearing. To do this, I took the array offline and initiated the clean shutdown.


Once I booted the server back up I can now no longer access http://tower/main or any of my apps. What's strange is that is looks like everything starts successfully in Syslog.


I launched unMenu to get some more insight and sure enough the array is still offline. Can someone help me jumpstart things? Not quite sure what to do at this point.


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Tried renaming to /boot/config/plugins.old and rebooting and still no joy


I did notice that Plex went ahead and recreated a /boot/config/plugins folder on boot. Looks like that was still sitting in /boot/extra so I removed that package and rebooted. No luck there either.


Hooked a monitor up to my server and watched it boot, everything looks clean. Comes up fine and is just sitting patiently at the unRAID login

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Got it figured out. I blew away my go script after the upgrade thinking I didn't need it anymore.


Apparently you do just to start the management utility.



/usr/local/sbin/emhttp &


Seems pretty silly you need a 1 line startup script and they couldn't build that in somewhere else



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Got it figured out. I blew away my go script after the upgrade thinking I didn't need it anymore.


Apparently you do just to start the management utility.



/usr/local/sbin/emhttp &


Seems pretty silly you need a 1 line startup script and they couldn't build that in somewhere else

It is there so that you can add custom code and start up other software not because it was needed.
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