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New UnRaid Issue: Could not open input file: plugins/notifications/notify.php

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Hi Everyone,


I've got a brand new UnRaid build, finally.  I had been tinkering with a second machine for a long time (bought two keys many years ago)...


Anyway, I had been using the key as a backup to my original UnRaid, so I was keeping it updated and with the same config as my original UnRaid.


I wanted to start clean... so I did the following:


1.  Made a backup of the entire flash on my Windows machine.

2.  Documented the order of my drives.


3.  Deleted everything on the flash.

4.  Downloaded a brand new UnRaid Server 5.0-rc8 and copied all of the extracted files to the flash.

5.  Copied my key file from the backup to the Config folder on the flash.


6.  Booted the system with the flash.

7.  Reassigned all the hard drives into the proper position (based on my former documentation).

8.  Went to the Settings tab -> Identification and renamed my "Tower".

9.  Restarted a parity build (I think I could have "told" UnRaid that the parity was valid, but it seemed safer to let it rebuild).


I brought the array online with the rebuild and everything is beautiful...  I can access my disk shares from my Windows machines and read my files....  But there's one odd thing:


On the console screen, I get lots of the same error (about every 5-6 seconds): 


"Could not open input file: plugins/notifications/notify.php"


I haven't loaded any plugins or tinkered with anything.  This is basically a clean UnRaid.  I confirmed the ZIP doesn't include that folder or file.  Any idea what the issue might be?





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Hmm.. I know virtually nothing about Linux and how this works - but "plugin" doesn't seem to be anywhere in my log file.


The only Google matches I find for /plugins/Notifications/notify.php have to do with "Simple Features" - but this was a clean load, so I don't know where to look for solutions.





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