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MySQL and XBMC Frodo issues


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I have finally got around to installing MySQL onto my unraid server to support XBMC. All went well with the install but I believe I have made a mistake by installing onto the cache drive. Anyway, all works but I have experienced an issue both mornings post it all working fine. Each morning I bring XBMC out of suspend and neither my movies, TV or music are able to display newly added content. When I select either of these library's they are unable to display any content.


I appreciate that there will be a delay with the library now held on a disk that needs to spin up but nothing, no matter how long I leave it. This morning I tried to manually force the disks to spin up but that didn't make any difference. I have connected to my server via telnet, logged into MySQL and typed show databases; This showed that MySQL was up and running and the DB's were there. However when this happened yesterday it seemed that although the DB's were there, the tables were blank.


Is this an issue with MySQL being on the cache drive? Or something else?

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Doh! Of course I know whats wrong, I've installed onto the cache drive without pre-fixing the directory name with an underscore and hence the mover script is moving the mysql directory onto the RAID overnight :-[ Donut.


Right so now is as good as time as any to sort this out properly. Can anyone advise on the best way to move the mysql install onto the raid? Am I best removing and re-installing? If remove and clean install, what's the best way to remove cleanly? I'm quite happy to re-import the library into a fresh DB as I exported it last night via xbmc as I thought something would break over night!


Any help here guys would be much appreciated.

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Yes I'm using unmenu to install MySQL. I assume I can use this same process to install onto a disk in the raid array rather than the cache drive? I thought the cache drive would be a good location so as to reduce the amount of raid spin ups, did this with both my slim server and transmission installs. However with some more reading I am seeing that protecting the MySQL install via the raid might be a good idea rather than leaving it on a single unprotected drive.


If I have this right in my head, following your suggestion with reconfigure the my.cnf file and point to the correct data locations? Seems quite straight forward, I might regret saying that, lol.

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I have successfully fixed the MySQL issue by simply re-installing from the unmenu pkg manager and pointing at a new drive within the raid array this time. Had a slight issue with the DB's and at first my xbmc clients would not start up until I removed the advancedsettings.xml file. So I removed the MyMovies75 and MyMusic32 directories and reinstated the .xml file, rebooted a client and let this recreate a fresh DB directory. At this point I just re-imported the library that I exported last night.


This all seems to work apart from one small issue I have just found, I can't refresh a library entry in order to pull down new fanart. Each time I try it seems like it is working but it doesn't pull down any new artwork. A lot of my library is missing background posters but have fanart, due to the change over from Eden to Frodo and the export/import process always doing this to me and therefore the reason why I started off down this MySQL route in the first place.


Any reason why it would pull down new artwork from a refresh and select yes from Internet? XBMC box is connected to the Internet as weather and RSS feeds are working.

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Trying to work this out I dropped both the MyMusic32 and MyVideo75 DB's in order to recreate them. Did this and re-imported my video library and I have the same problem, library there but unable to make any changes to it, add art or remove a film. Downloaded and installed HeidiSQL to help fault find but I'm not great at SQL :-[ However I have noticed that the error "/* SQL Error (1017): Can't find file: 'proc' (errno: 2) No such file or directory */" shows whenever I select any of the DB's including mysql and information_schema. What this is telling me?

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Think I have fixed it properly this time. Assumed that something was mixed up from the previous mover script so decided to uninstall MySQL, reboot server and re-install cleanly. This seems to of resolved the issues and once I re-imported the video and music libraries all is well with updates and refreshing fanart.


Now lets see if it continues to tomorrow, roll on 2013 for a fully working MySQL with XBMC ;D

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