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Everything posted by spants

  1. Thank you - solves the SpaceInvader zfs clone script issue !
  2. Upgrade for me was easy and everything started to work ok. I use ZFS pools so being able to remove the last array disk was nice. A couple of people have mentioned the SSL library issue - it also affects @SpaceInvaderOne's scripts for snapshotting:- Starting ZFS replication using syncoid with mode: strict-mirror Sending incremental nvme/appdata@syncoid_Tower_2024-06-28:01:00:08-GMT01:00 ... syncoid_Tower_2024-06-30:21:13:37-GMT01:00 (~ 62.8 MB): mbuffer: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.1.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory warning: cannot send 'nvme/appdata@syncoid_Tower_2024-06-30:21:13:37-GMT01:00': Broken pipe cannot receive: failed to read from stream
  3. Hi! My office is in bits at the moment due to a m,ove, so I dont have access to my printers. It may be a month or so.....
  4. I had something similar that bugged me for months. I had moved from standalone unraid to a virtualised system and thought that was the cause and soent ages trying to fix it. The actual problem was a failing ssd that I was using as a cache drive that was not giving any errors, just running really slow for some sectors.
  5. have you tried setting the serverIP variable to the PiHole server IP (
  6. using the built-in filemanager in unraid, try setting the permissions for the pihole file/directories to rw to all groups/users. (I no longer use it, so I cant give you the filenames unfortunately)
  7. Glad you sorted it. Support is by the users. I just created the first template that wrapped the official docker. There are other templates available. I don't use it. I use ubound on opnsense under proxmox.
  8. what does /data/.npm/_logs/2023-08-31T12_10_04_289Z-debug-0.log contain? can you ping https://registry.npmjs.org from inside nodered container?
  9. This is a very useful site https://ikrima.dev/dev-notes/homelab/zfs-for-dummies/
  10. I use unRaid as a vm in Proxmox now. unRaid has all my docker technology covered. Proxmox has all my VMs (HomeAssitant, opnsense) covered Proxmox is also used for LXC - primarily Tailscale
  11. Strange error - one drive is not automounting and the manual button does not make it mount. Latest 6.12.3 unraid and UA plugin. Logs show my first drive (external LUKS usb) mounting successfully, the second (internal sata LUKS) shows an error. Jul 18 10:50:46 Tower unassigned.devices: Mounting partition 'sda1' at mountpoint '/mnt/disks/TowerBackup'... Jul 18 10:50:46 Tower unassigned.devices: Using luksKeyfile to open the 'crypto_LUKS' device. Jul 18 10:50:49 Tower unassigned.devices: Mount cmd: /sbin/mount -t 'xfs' -o rw,noatime,nodiratime '/dev/mapper/TowerBackup' '/mnt/disks/TowerBackup' Jul 18 10:50:49 Tower kernel: XFS (dm-4): Mounting V5 Filesystem Jul 18 10:50:50 Tower kernel: XFS (dm-4): Ending clean mount Jul 18 10:50:50 Tower unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted 'TowerBackup' on '/mnt/disks/TowerBackup'. Jul 18 10:50:50 Tower unassigned.devices: Device '/dev/sda1' is not set to be shared. Jul 18 10:50:54 Tower unassigned.devices: Mounting partition 'sdd1' at mountpoint '/mnt/disks/urbackup'... Jul 18 10:50:54 Tower unassigned.devices: Partition 'urbackup' is already mounted. Jul 18 10:50:54 Tower unassigned.devices: Partition 'urbackup' cannot be mounted. urbackup is not mounted - it doesnt show under /mnt/disks/ *** solved *** It seems that the partition/mount point cannot now be the same name as the disk drive
  12. Did you fix it? Looks like a Alexa credentials issue but that shouldnt stop NR from loading. Depending on the age of your template - do you have the safe mode option? If not, add a variable to the docker tempate NODE_RED_ENABLE_SAFE_MODE and set it to true. You can then startup NR without it starting the flows.
  13. Thanks for the feedback!. I threw this template together in 2017 for a project that needed it at the time.... I havent really looked at it since. 1) This is an easy change to make 2) I thought that the v2 template already uses this? Let me know!
  14. They must have had a tidy up!. Will do. Note that I dont use this anymore as I am running Adguard on my Opnsense firewall instead.
  15. try chmod -R 777 /mnt/appdata/nodered or what every you have called it..... The more recent versions of unraid restrict the permissions a bit. Note that this is a security gotcha as it enables execute too - you could also just change the r/w for all and leave execute alone
  16. how did you get around the permissions/ownership of the downloaded files so that radaar can import?
  17. Thanks - Still working on it in the background 🙂 I use Proxmox as a Hypervisor with unRaid as a VM. I was in the process of removing encryption from my drives for the possibility of moving the drives to a MergerFS and Snapraid system on the host instead of unRaid (or possibly ZFS).
  18. I had the same problems - I spent hours trying to fix and ordered a replacement drive. It is the potential loss of online data and TIME that caused me headaches.
  19. Please check with the owner of node-red-contrib-power-monitor as it may be an issue there (npm/node version?). The template just loads the official nodered docker so there is nothing that I can do to fix it.
  20. There is a "transporter" option for saving configs
  21. I havent pulled any templates! My pihole template pulls the offical pihole docker and I have not modified that in any way. Unraid 6.10+ caused some issues with permissions with docker data files that the template doesnt change because I am not modifying the docker. Work arounds have been discussed previously. Note that I have moved to Proxmox, with unRaid as a VM and Adguard as an LXC, so I dont use pihole anymore. Hopefully existing users can support if I can't. For people with 'port already in use' errors - you need to give pihole its own IP address on a custom/bridged network as it cannot share the same address as unraid.
  22. all looks good. (I am also looking at another solution for MQTT with a webui for users and authorisations-will post here after finishing my tests)
  23. Hi all, As you are discovering, this docker is quite old and needs to be updated. If you can bear with me, please try the manual steps to get a later version of MQTT and solve permissions problems. Please follow these steps and stop any existing MQTT container. I am using a directory called "/mnt/user/appdata/mos/" for my config - change if you wish. 1) In a shell on unRaid, create the mosquitto directories mkdir -p /mnt/user/appdata/mos/config mkdir -p /mnt/user/appdata/mos/data mkdir -p /mnt/user/appdata/mos/log 2) create a configuration file nano /mnt/user/appdata/mos/config/mosquitto.conf with the following text persistence true persistence_location /mosquitto/data/ user mosquitto # Listen on all interfaces listener 1883 #Allow connection without authentication allow_anonymous true log_dest file /mosquitto/log/mosquitto.log log_dest stdout 3) Set the ownership of the directories to nobody:users chown -R nobody:users /mnt/user/appdata/mos 4) download and start the docker (called mqttnew for testing) sudo docker run -itd -p 1883:1883 -e PUID=1000 -e PGID=1000 \ --name=mqttnew \ --net=bridge \ -v /mnt/user/appdata/mos/config:/mosquitto/config \ -v /mnt/user/appdata/mos/data:/mosquitto/data \ -v /mnt/user/appdata/mos/log:/mosquitto/log \ eclipse-mosquitto If you want to add users and disable anonomous logins: 5) On the running docker icon, right click and choose CONSOLE and type: (replace <username>) mosquitto_passwd -c /mosquitto/config/credentials <username> 6) stop the docker 7) edit the /mnt/user/appdata/mos/config/mosquitto.conf file nano /mnt/user/appdata/mos/config/mosquitto.conf to look like: persistence true persistence_location /mosquitto/data/ user mosquitto # Listen on all interfaces listener 1883 #Allow connection without authentication allow_anonymous false log_dest file /mosquitto/log/mosquitto.log log_dest stdout password_file /mosquitto/config/credentials 8 - test and let me know how you get on. I will template this if it works for all.
  24. I have now virtualised my unraid in proxmox. I passed through the sas falcon controller (ibm something flashed to IT mode), GTX 1060 for Emby transcoding, a couple of usb devices including the unraid usb stick, enocean usb and usb zigbee controller. I created a BOND network interface and used this as an E1000 network card. The paravirtualised network card dropped packets (as detailed before). It is all working great! On the same proxmox - Opnsense (in is dedicated network port, out is network BOND), MQTT LXC container, Home Assistant Virtual machine, NodeRed LXC for testing, and Zorin VM. Server is a Asus Strix x570-F board, AMD 5900 with 64GB ram.
  25. interested to see how this goes. I have just virtualised unraid on proxmox to also play with lxc alongside....
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