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Beware of iStarUSA BPN-DE230SS with >2TB drives


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I bought this unit from newegg and I just happen to only install my 3TB Seagate parity drive and another 3TB WD-Green HDDs into this unit. Upon reboot the bios was not able to see them.

When I swapped them out back into an Antec fan cage with direct to motherboard sata connection, they booted it up just fine. For whatever reason the intermediate connection of this unit prevents the bios from seeing (what I assume) drives greater than 2TB.


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Sent in a support ticket, so we'll see what happens from there.


One thing I should test if plugging in any HDDs of <= 2TB to make sure they work.

Otherwise I may just have a faulty unit, and not related to 3 TB HDDs.


I know it might sound like a bit of an ass thing to say, but, isn't that the thing you'd do directly after you have the idea that it's only effecting > 2TB drives? My first thought would be instantly "Broken device" until I later found out it works on <= 2TB, not "Oh, it's probably something to do with the MBR boot record bit limit or whatever limits the size of the drive" (Never looked into it).

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have never heard back from support on this issue.


I have tested with a 500GB and a 2TB drive and both are recognized.

That leaves the conclusion that 3TB drives don't work and/or the unit needs some kind of firmware update.

The 3TB HDD themselves are working just fine plugged into the sata controller.

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