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Regular power cycles and USB drive age?


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I am building a second unraid server to back up my primary's most critical data.  I'm planning on running it once a week and not 24/7 like my primary.  I'm worried that powering the machine on and off once a week may lead to premature USB drive failure, as I imagine the unraid boot/shutdown process causes the most wear on the USB drive, vs being on 24/7.


Anyone have any experience with this?  Realistically, am I going to suffer premature failure, or am I worried about nothing?


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The flash will be written 52 times per year. You are worrying about nothing. You can use a SD card reader like the Kingston G2 if you don't like flash drives. With a card reader, if the SD card  fails you can just replace it. The UnRAID license is registered with the serial number of the reader.

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The flash will be written 52 times per year. You are worrying about nothing. You can use a SD card reader like the Kingston G2 if you don't like flash drives. With a card reader, if the SD card  fails you can just replace it. The UnRAID license is registered with the serial number of the reader.

Flash drives are typically rated for 100000 write cycles or more.  It will take a very long time to wear out your flash drive if you only write to it once a week.


Joe L.

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