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[ANSWERED] What does this message mean?

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Two questions:


(1) Per the title -- what does this mean ... and should I be concerned about it?


Mar  11 19:22:39 Media emhttp: shcmd (627): killall -HUP smbd (Minor Issues)


Note:  My server is named "Media" ... to it's equivalent to this message:

Mar  11 19:22:39 Tower emhttp: shcmd (627): killall -HUP smbd (Minor Issues)


This is shown several times in the log --  on Dec 8, Dec 31, Jan 1, Jan 28, Feb 2, Feb 5, Feb 10, Mar 3, and today.



(2)  The Syslog that has those messages in it is shown by UnMenu (on the Syslog page) ... but is not stored on the flash drive.  The logs on the flash drive haven't been updated since early December ... the last time the system was rebooted.    Is there a way to force the current Syslog to be written to the flash drive?


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Okay, I did a bit of Linux reading, so I know the essence of what this is saying ...


It basically means to send a "Hangup" signal to Samba ... which I guess means to kill it.


So WHY is this a "minor issue" ... and more significantly, does it indicate some kind of problem with my system?    It happens infrequently;  UnRAID's log calls it "minor"; and (with the exception of an issue I just had with the web GUI) my array is working perfectly ... hasn't been rebooted in months.  ==> so it SEEMS like something I can just ignore.


... I'd just like a Linux expert to confirm that  :)

(and perhaps give a bit of insight into why that's the case)


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Sending a SIGHUP to Samba is the way of telling Samba to reread it's configuration file so is nothing to worry about.


I suspect the times it has appeared in the log is when you have done something (like changing share settings) that might have resulted in changes to the Samba configuration.


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The "Minor issues" notations added to syslog lines, along with a number of other notations, are from much earlier versions of UnRAID.  Many are still valid, but some are not, may be wrong or false positives.  Some day, we will get around to updating them...

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