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v5.0-rc8a(Not saving logs to flash)

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Hello forum..


I had an issue when I came in from work last evening.  I was unable to contact my box through either telnet or unmenu, and the "tower" share was not present in my network..(win-7).  Tried the UNC path to a few drives with no luck.  SO, I connected a monitor, keyboard and mouse directly to the box thinking it was just a network issue, but I got no signal to the monitor at all.  I'm thinking..."How do I do a proper power-down in a case like this". 


Finally after giving up in a panic, I hoped by pressing the power button on the box would do a proper power-down since I have the "clean power-down" package installed, but when I did, the box immediately turned off... :P  Luckily, when I powered back on all drives were green and parity check is 86% complete with no errors so far.


BUT...this mornin' when I went to the flash drive to check the log files I noticed none have been created in the logs folder since I upgraded to v5.0-rca, so i have no idea how to track what happened immediately prior to my assumed server crash..


I'm hoping someone could shed some light on this issue for me, particularly how to get unRAID to begin saving my log files again.  Without those, I'm totally in the dark!  I may just upgrade to a new version after parity check to see if it is the current version giving me these issues.  The box was running 24/7 for about 48 days str8!


you can find my box specs here...http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=139202


Thanks for any assistance with this

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Easiest thing to do is create a cron.hourly script that copies the syslog to an array drive, that way you can get to it after the next reboot.. I would advise against saving it to the flashdrive, those things have limited writes to them and replacing one is a drag..

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Thanks for the reply...sounds like a great idea and precisely the tool I need.  BUT..lol, I'm not at familiar with Linux scripting, could you point me to where I may find instructions on how and where to create such a script?


Also, with logs being written hourly, would I have to worry about the build-up of log files on the drive, or would the newest file written overwrite the previous?

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