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trouble with utorrent


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I have installed Utorrent plugin and can sort of get it working but only where it downloads and keeps downloads on the cache drive, I have changed the settings as below and the folder is created on the server but the downloads never move from the temp location on the cache drive...can anyone see where, if, I am going wrong.?



Install directory:  /mnt/cache/.apps/utserver

Download directory:    /mnt/cache/.apps/utserver/downloads

Temporary directory:    /mnt/cache/.apps/utserver/temp

Port:  8003

Run as user: nobody



Additional informations:


uTorrent server is running with version: 3.0 build 27079


uTorrent server storage memory usage: install directory: 27G, data directory: 26G


Your data will persist after a reboot



And here is the settings from the plugin....



Location of Downloaded Files


Put new downloads in: /mnt/cache/.apps/utserver/temp


Move completed downloads to:  /mnt/utserver/downloads



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Directories with a leading period don't get moved by the mover. If they did your entire utorrent install would be getting moved when the mover runs. Your best bet it to create a share from the unraid web gui called 'Downloads' or something along those lines and change the downloads location setting in utorrent to /mnt/user/Downloads/


/mnt/utserver is not a valid place to store data, by the way.

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