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Discovery: Password protection for the unRAID management interface.


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Small discovery.  I installed a new unRAID box a couple of days ago.  I installed a full slackware distro, then added unRAID and recompiled the kernel per the wiki article: http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=Installing_unRAID_on_a_full_Slackware_distro


However, I had put a password on root during the initial install.


After I ran pwunconv to remove shadow passwords, I remembered this, and though emhttp would be hosed, and I would have to go back a few steps. On a whim, I ran emhttp, and lo and behold, the browser gave me the auth dialog.  I entered root and the password I had used for root, and got the unRAID management interface.  I closed out and tried it again, intentionally misspelling the password, and was properly denied access to the unRAID interface.  I also have proper ssh access for root, with password.


I'm keeping it  ;D

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