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Buffalo Warranty Check?


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Most models of the Ministation are only warranted for one year, so it's very unlikely it's covered by warranty.    In addition, even if you're within that period, Buffalo requires a copy of the original proof of purchase for the unit -- so unless you get that from the seller you're out of luck anyway [and if you DO get it, you'll know from the date whether or not the unit is still under warranty  :) ]



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Well, I though I'd just test it for the last time and the disk was found in the Disk Manager, but did not initialize. Then I read that it could be a failed controller.


So I just opened the damn thing and tested if the disk would still work.


And it WORKS!!! Also had something like 95 hours only of power on time!  :D



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yeah,  I had one of those.

give it to my inlows for backup storage, and it died in 1 year.

spent 2 days trying to recover the files but disk would disconnect in the middle of transfer. finally just cracked  the thing a part, and used the sata to usb cord and all files where there no problem.

still have the HDD from it.

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