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Migrating Sab/SB from WinXP to linux, and adding Plex, which distro?


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Some time ago I was running Sab/SB on my unraid server and it caused many stability problems.  I migrated it to an XP system and its been running fine ever since.  I recently started using Plex to stream to my wife's iPad... But the Atom CPU in my Sab/SB machine just isn't up to the task.  I just finished testing Plex/XP on a G550T and its perfect.  So I am going to be migrating an XP-based Sab, SB, and Plex install to this new system.  But I want to run linux (mostly so I don't have to give Microsoft $100 to use 4GB RAM).


I will be keeping Sab and SB at low priority as far as processes go, but still, if an iPad and iPod are streaming content, and Sab starts to unpack a file, I may run into some issues.  So I want to keep the linux install as minimal as possible... No need for fancy GUIs or anything of that sort.  At the same time, my linux-foo is quite dated, and I don't want to spend two weeks chasing down and installing dependencies.  This is perhaps the only saving grace for Windows...


Anyhow, any recommendations on a base linux install?  Hopefully installing these three apps isn't going to be a PITA.  I'm already concerned about how to get my 900GB+ queue transferred over under Sab.



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Anyhow, any recommendations on a base linux install?  Hopefully installing these three apps isn't going to be a PITA.  I'm already concerned about how to get my 900GB+ queue transferred over under Sab.


About your queue...


You are in the process of downloading 900GB of stuff? When will that be done?


As far as installing Linux, CP, SB, SAB, etc..


Download the Ubuntu minimum ISO from here -> Ubuntu Minimal CD


Install SSH Server (during install) so you can SSH into it.


Follow any of the 1,000,000+ guides on the web that walk you through step by step on how to install SB, CP, SAB, etc. There are some very good and very detailed ones with screen shots and everything.

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Thanks for the reply.  My queue is ongoing, but the current crop should be downloaded in 3-5 months (out of a 300gb/mo allowance from my ISP, I allocate 150-200gb for sab).  But the queue is continuously getting new stuff, so my main concern is copying everything over to the new system so it picks up exactly where the old system left off.

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My understanding is that there's 3 files you need,  one being a configuration file.  Just Google it,  it is one of the top items since I have looked for this myself in the past.  Also,  at the same time,  as long as you know your settings,  you could just configure the new server and tell it to import existing shows,  this will then add all your current shows right into the new system rebuilding the db,  from there sickbeard will know what is still missing and at it to the queue again.

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