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Recover Deleted Files

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Anyone have any experience on recovering deleted files from unRAID?  Recently deleted A TON of .nfo files from my folders and I am now regretting it.  Wondering if there is some sort of trash can on the array that can be restored or a way to find the files I deleted.


Just curious to see if its possible.  If not I'll live with my regret :)

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I can't find the reference, but this came up in the forums awhile back.

Nobody held out much hope.


I did find these ideas:

and a couple of tools that might work.

(not an endorsement...in the end, I decided my files weren't worth it)


After I did something similar I went searching for a 'trash can' like capability similar to that in Mac / Windows.

You might search on 'vfs_recycle'. Its a plug for unRAID that provides a 'recycle bin'.

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