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4TB WD Reds - $174.99 thru 9:59AM Pacific Time (10 Feb only)


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I've been keeping my eye on this drive on Amazon and it's been $179.99 for the past week or so.  It's amazing that a $5 difference will probably get me to pull the trigger.


I'm still on the fence about Red vs Green for unRAID, but the current price difference between the 4TB is so minimal that I might as well get the extra year of warranty with the Reds.

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I'm going to replace my last 2TB WD Green with this. Believe it or not, used working 2TB WD Green drives still go for $60-70 on eBay so it actually should only cost me $125 after selling the green and PayPal/eBay fees.


Wow, I never would have guessed that a used 2TB WD Green would still sell for that much. Thanks for the info; I'll have some to get rid of once my 4TB Reds arrive.

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Should be available all day (until 12 midnight ET / 3 AM PT).


The Shell Shocker e-mail shows 12:00 midnight until 9:59AM ...


Newegg Shell Shocker deals are usually available until the end of the day even though it says it expires before that.


At least, I've gotten one after the expiration time and I've read the same from others.

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