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[SOLVED] Moving files from disk to another under same share

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I'm trying to remove disks from my array, but first I need to move files to disks that have empty space.


My question is what happens to file if I move it from /mnt/disk1/Movies/samemoviefolder/ to /mnt/disk2/Movies/samemoviefolder/ ?


Sometimes I have had the Windows asking me do I want to replace file or cancel. I don't remember witch I chose but the original file size changed to 0.


How can that happen and how to avoid it?

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That should work fine (whether you do it locally or via Windows).  In this case you are using the direct disk shares and not the user shares.  I have done that quite regularly when trying to re-organise files across rives.


It sounds as if you might have tried moving from a disk level share to the user share level?  If so that could cause the symptoms you describe as you could end up moving the file to itself without Windows realising this is happening.

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Now that I think about it, I remember I was moving files straight from a disk share to a drive connected to windows as the read speed is faster than moving from disk to disk within the array.


Sometimes there also can be two of the same file even though the new file is not complete it is not deleted when move is cancelled.

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Sometimes there also can be two of the same file even though the new file is not complete it is not deleted when move is cancelled.

Yes. This can especially happen if you use Windows or Mac to do the move. In the event of a failed/incomplete copy, your PC OS doesn't always clean up properly. (This is the source of many of the famous 'dot' files that annoy Mac users.)


If you have a lot of stuff to move, consider using MC. All data movement remains within your unRAID server, and there's no network traffic.  Its faster than using your PC. And its 'two panel' interface is ideal for this sort of thing.


MC is a bit old fashioned, so it takes a bit to get up to speed.  If you haven't used it, here are some headstarts:




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Thanks, I've been very sceptical to use command line programs as they usually do everything so seamlessly.  :)


Windows just has so easy and fast interface to select many files/folders and also shows the progress.


I think I must learn to use these as they seem very practical in many ways.



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Windows and Mac work fine. I very rarely jump into MC. 

But its a nice skill to have should you need/want it.


With lots and lots of data movement, where the source and target all on on the unRAID array, adding the LAN traffic to move the data out to the PC, and back again, yadda yadda yadda, just slows things down and adds to places for errors.


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