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Min file size ignored, mover ingoring free drive.

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I noticed the free space on my cache drive was getting low, so after looking into it I noticed that some TV files were piling up and not getting moved by the script.  I should mentioned that some new contecnt was however handled correctly.  Anyways, I saw that that the destination disk was showing no space free therefor the mover stopped despite the share being set to highwater.  After checking share settings, the min free space was at 0 (most likely missed since rebuilding my unraid) so I manually moved some files from disk4 to disk5 and set the min free space to 15G.  I also changed split level from 2 to 3, in case that is why the array was forcing TV shows to disk4 instead of disk5.  I also rebooted unRaid after all these changes for good measure.  Upon invoking the mover, the files are still going to disk4 until it is full and then everything halts. 


Any ideas?



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How are your SHARES set up ?

Each should have either NO 'include/exclude disks' settings, OR EITHER 'include or exclude' but never both include/exclude in the same share definition.


The stuff that's NOT being moved by the mover...what SHARE are they headed toward and what are the include/exclude settings for that share? And What SPLIT level is defined for that share?

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