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Mobo for i3-3220T that supports ECC


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There are a lot of Socket 1155 boards that support ECC memory and your CPU.


For example:






Okay I was looking at a few of these recently but wasn't sure what was a good brand.  I've always used desktop components but I've recently experienced some issues with my non ECC ram.


Is there anything to consider with server mobos when picking one?  Otherwise I'll just follow the basic principles I do with desktop builds.  Thanks everyone!

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Is there anything to consider with server mobos when picking one?


Just choose a quality brand [superMicro, Intel, Asus, AsRock are all good brands ... SuperMicro is probably the best in class if they have a board with the features you want; AsRock is typically the best value] ... and be sure the board you choose has the slots you need for add-on cards and any specific features you want to have [e.g. IPMI is a VERY nice feature for totally headless operation.  It's on many SuperMicro boards and some others.  e.g http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813182253 ]


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