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Years ago I built my 20 drive capable server based around the parts in the following post:



I figure its time for an upgrade now and wonder if the following components should be compatible with unraid 6?:





I will continue to utilise the case, power supply and other bits. I should mention that the drive list is far different. I have a mix of 1-3TB drives and one of the supermicro cards failed which meant i had to replace it with the newer SAS2LP card which works a treat!


Any help would be appreciated.

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Years ago I built my 20 drive capable server based around the parts in the following post:



I figure its time for an upgrade now and wonder if the following components should be compatible with unraid 6?:





I will continue to utilise the case, power supply and other bits. I should mention that the drive list is far different. I have a mix of 1-3TB drives and one of the supermicro cards failed which meant i had to replace it with the newer SAS2LP card which works a treat!


Any help would be appreciated.


There shouldn't be any issues with the products you mention, however it's important to think through what you will want UnRAID 6.0 to do for you. If you just plan on running Docker containers for plugins, then no problem. If you think you want to get into virtualization at all you will want to make sure the motherboard, cpu and bios will support what you want (i.e. vt-x, vt-d, hyperthreading).


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