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Sysload extremely high when sab unpacking/moving files


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My sysload seems to get extremely high when sab starts to verify files, unpack, and when files are being moved.


From the top of my sab: Sysload: 43.21 | 42.78 | 38.44 | V=2440M R=335M


To this note, all my dockers become extremely slow and unresponsive although the unraid main page/SSH are still responsive -- albeit a little bit slower.


Any ideas on where I should start to trouble shoot this?



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Thanks, I'll give that a shot.


Unsure what changed, as I have not done anything -- but now it seems intermittent. Some files will severly slow down/cripple the system, while others seem to be unpacking like it used to (keeping sysload generally under 10)

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