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VM backup (btrfs formatted disk)


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Right now I am backing up my VM just by making a copy of my .qcow2. Is there any other way anyone may suggest? I read about btrfs-snapshots, but have not tried it yet. Does it make sense to create a partition for storing my VM's qcow2 and automate unraid in some way to make snapshots of this partition from within vmmgr? I am really using kvm + vmmgr as a tool to quickly create vm's and check for performance of applications used for different tasks (video editing, gaming,etc). Each VM will only serve one of this tasks. So it would be great to easily backup them and be able to try new things based on my last backup. If i mess around i just would recover from my last backup.

I am new to Linux so I am not sure what is the best way to do it in the last beta. But I know from work there are tools/sw to backup VM (ie for VMware vm).



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