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Shares disappeared, redball HD


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Everything has been working perfectly on 5.0.5. 8 data disks with parity of course. Parity was good. I have user shares. One particular share, I was coping a music DVD to.  This share had fill-up with 1gb remaining limit with a share level of 1 ( I should have changed to 3 and highwater). Anyway because of these settings, the HD that held the share filled and Win 7 gave me the disk full while coping message. And this is where things went south. I cancelled the copy, deleted any files that had been already copied. I went to reset the share and it was gone along with 2 others. I checked the config file and in the share folder they were all there so the config hadn't lost them. And then besides 1 of the HDD got redballed. It suspect it would be the one that the share would have tried the recopy to as it was really the only 1 with lots of free space.

Now I'm hooped. Every time I reboot the server, that drive isn't there. I start the array, have to stop and then I can assign the drive back in. And then it wants to a parity sync again. In the mean time everything is there and available if I access the drive share itself but still the 3 user shares are missing. The remaining shares all give a report of exactly the same free space. Unraid cannot compute that (hangs the webpage).  I've since formatted the jumpdrive and installed 5.0.6 along with the old config file. Same thing happening.


I suspect that some configuration file such as secrets ( or whatever ) is preventing Unraid from working properly. I have 15TB of data which is intact but how do I fix this?



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