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Allocation settings - what is the best setting for my workflow?


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I seem to be having issues when transferring files to my unRAID Server.  When doing full Blu-Ray mkv rips, I have the Mac OS X program "Hazel" automatically move the created "movie.mkv" file to my "Movies" user share on my unRAID server. 


I had originally setup my server to use the "High-Water" allocation method.  This worked perfectly for awhile but now I am having issues where the file isn't transferred because the user share drive that Hazel is trying to write to is too full (file tries to be moved by Hazel but goes nowhere because the drive is full).  I have several drives in my server  (16 Data drives / 1 parity) and have over 15TB "Free" across the drives.


What is the best allocation method setting for me to use that will allow these large transfers to continuously move with no problems?


High-Water didn't work for me...should it have?


I'm trying out "Most Free" now (I'm assuming that this will require a reboot of my unRAID server?????)


Thanks for listening and for any help or ideas you might have for me!



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What did you have set as the Minimum Free Space setting for the share?  To avoid problems it should be as large (or larger) as the largest file you want to move to the share.


You also need to be careful with the split level setting for the share as an inappropriate setting can force unRAID to put the file on a particular drive (split level over-rides allocation method).

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Minimum Free Space was originally set at: 50000000 (50GB)


I have since upped it to: 99000000 (99GB) to be safe (or so I thought)


Split-Level was and is set to: 2


All drives included, non excluded


So, since split-level over-rides allocation method.....am I still safe with "2" or should this be changed (if so, to what?)

It depends on the path of the files you are trying to move, and how you want files to be grouped on each drive.  With a split level of 2 the first two folders in the path (sharename/folder) can be replicated across drives.  The moment you have a further folder in the path then that folder and all its contents are constrained to the drive where the folder is first created.

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