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Docker not starting.


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I installed unRaid a couple weeks ago, and all has been well.  Had several dockers working fine.    Then today I had a power failure (lots of high winds) and now I can not get docker to start.


Syslog show


Nov 24 20:27:08 Vader php: /etc/rc.d/rc.docker start

Nov 24 20:27:08 Vader php: starting docker ...

Nov 24 20:27:19 Vader php:


and thats it.


Launching from the command line doesn't seem to give me any more info.


Docker is definitely not running.


If I run...



root@Vader:/mnt# docker images

2014/11/24 20:36:54 Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is 'docker -d' running on this host?



root@Vader:/mnt# ps -aux | grep docker

Warning: bad ps syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See http://procps.sf.net/faq.html

root      4801  0.0  0.0  5096  1756 pts/1    S+  20:36  0:00 grep docker



Anything I can do to debug this? Any ideas on what it could be?





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probably your btrfs image got corrupted....


easiest way is to rename your current docker image...

once that is done start docker it will create a new image

and then use the docker page to reinstall all your dockers...

it is pretty easy with the MY-xxxx templates

and if you saved all your data outside the image like most of us do then you don't lose a thing....


you can try to rescue your current image but i tried that a number of times and always failed :(

fix tools for btrfs suck big time ....


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here is the output of /var/docker.log


2014/11/24 22:12:37 docker daemon: 1.2.0 7649264eb89614ddaed331560622ea0eb92c299c; execdriver: native; graphdriver: btrfs

[d732babd] +job serveapi(unix:///var/run/docker.sock)

[info] Listening for HTTP on unix (/var/run/docker.sock)

2014/11/24 22:12:42 Couldn't create Tag store: unexpected end of JSON input

2014/11/24 22:13:10 docker daemon: 1.2.0 7649264eb89614ddaed331560622ea0eb92c299c; execdriver: native; graphdriver: btrfs

[b6d75ac5] +job serveapi(unix:///var/run/docker.sock)

2014/11/24 22:13:10 Couldn't create Tag store: unexpected end of JSON input

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I managed to get docker working.


This is what I did.


- Rename the current docker image.

- Reboot unraid

- The new docker was created successfully.


So something i noticed, when I tried to stop the array, the logs indicated that docker would not die, then the array wouldn't unmount.  The docker daemon also wasn't running according to ps and docker itself.  As a result I would have to force reboot.  So for some reason when docker would try to boot up, it would be put into a bad state that it couldn't get out of.  As a result, the gui/CLI would fail when trying to create a new image


Thanks for the help

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Having issues again with my new images.


Everything was running fine..


Getting this response from all of my dockers. If I stop and restart them:


root@localhost:# /usr/bin/docker run -d --name="duck-dns" --net="bridge" -e TZ="America/New_York" -v "/mnt/disk1/docker/volume_data/duckdns/":"/config":rw coppit/duckdns

2014/11/26 00:44:14 Error response from daemon: unexpected end of JSON input


Very similar to yesterday


This is starting to become more trouble than its worth.


Could i be running low on disk space? If so how do I check?  How do I grow it?  I currently have a 10 GB docker image

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