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Trouble getting the system to do a SWAP-Disable


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I have a system with all 2TB drives running 6 beta 10. One of my drives started throwing errors and I am going to replace it. I just got a 4tb drive and decided to do the swap-disable way. I swapped out the parity with the new drive, and the broken drive with the parity. The server booted up fine and actually had pre-selected the right divers for the right spots (4tb in the parity and the old parity in the old broken slot) but both drives have a red dot that says WRONG and the server says "Too many wrong and/or missing disks!" Did I do something wrong? Is there a way to force the system to do a swap-disable? I am basing my actions off of this wiki: http://lime-technology.com/wiki/index.php?title=UnRAID_Manual#Replace_a_failed_disk

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Ok maybe I should have looked into it a bit more, I only read 3 threads about it but then on the fourth I found this:


I got it to work.

Step 1 remove bad hdd. Unassigned from slot.

Step 2 start array.

Step 3 stop array.

Step 4 assign new drive as parity.

Step 5 assign old parity drive as old bad drive.

Copy button should appear instead of start array.

Click that button. After copy completes start array.


Instructions miss the point that the system needs to see that the drive is no longer available. Kind of strange but it works.


and it worked perfect

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