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can't start array after upgrading to v. 6.0


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I have attempted to upgrade from version 5.0.3 to 6.0b12.  The array appears to have the proper configuration and all lights are green.  However, starting the array has no effect (I did wait overnight in case the process took a long while).  I am certain that I copied my config directory from the 5.0.3 flash drive, but it appears from the syslog (attached) that I am "Unregistered"?  Apologies in advance, but does version 6 require a new license (Pro) key?  I did not see this in the documentation, perhaps I overlooked it?


Thanks for your help.


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My problem, at least primarily, is that I changed my flash drive, as the original one was acting wonky.  Of course, the unRAID key is tied to a specific flash drive serial number (I now realize)! So, do I email support with a request for a new key?


Regardless of that particular problem, though:  I do NOT see a boot directory in the freshly downloaded unRAID 6.0b12 files.  However, the contents of the old (5.0.3) flash drive did have a boot directory. So... once I get the new flash drive properly licensed, I assume I am to:


erase and initialize the new flash drive;

copy to it the freshly downloaded 6.0 files;

run the mac bootable script on the new flash drive;

copy the old (5.0.3) flash drive config (at root) folder to the new flash drive;

copy the old boot folder to the new flash drive;

copy the Pro.key from the (root) config directory on the new flash drive to the config/boot/ directory?


Thanks again

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The /boot folder is where the flash is mounted under Linux - it is NOT physically present on the Flash drive.    If under linux you do a ommand such as ls /boot the files/folder will be those at the base level of the flash drive.  The /boot location under linux is also equivalent to the 'flash' share when viewed over the network in case you are copying files to network shares.


Therefore the only files you need to copy from the previous release are those from the 'config' folder.  Note that you must NOT copy any that are plugin related as v5 plugins are not compatible with v6.  You also put the .key file into this 'config' folder.

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got it.  when I telnet over there I understand the file structure now, so thanks.  I did get the array to start up, too.  However, I don't trust this flash drive and still think I should upgrade to a newer more reliable one.  Do I need to email support to get a new key? 


Thank you, itimpi.



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got it.  when I telnet over there I understand the file structure now, so thanks.  I did get the array to start up, too.  However, I don't trust this flash drive and still think I should upgrade to a newer more reliable one.  Do I need to email support to get a new key? 


Thank you, itimpi.

Limetech are very good about tranbsfering licenses when flash drives fail.


Basically you need to get a replacement flash drive, and the email LimeTech with the GUID of the replacement, and explain what has happened.


You might also want to consider whether you should take advantage of the current promotion to get an additional key for $30 that is valid while v6 remains in beta.  In theory this promotion expires when v6 goes final.


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