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file ownership


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I've been playing with v6b12 for about a week and I'm very happy with everything so far.


Not sure if this should be in general v6 or in docker, but here goes.


I installed a few dockers, including plex and I just realised that plex was going bonkers on me.  After a bit of digging around, I realized that the ownership of almost all the files in the plex directory had changed to nobody:users, away from the  unraid-plex:users.


I'm sure everything was set to the raid user: it won't start if it's not set.  After restoring a plex backup I had to do a "chown -R unraid-plex:users /mnt/cache/plexmediaserver/*" to get things working.


Is there a job that restores the file ownership behind my back?





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