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Gigabyte AMD board


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I've built a few PC with this board, and it seems pretty nice board for the price, especially with the 8 SATA ports.  Is there anything I should be worried about, building an 8-12 drive unRaid server around it?  I have a 4 port SATA card in my existing system when I need to expand.

It will be used for media sharing(non-Plex), and possibly torrenting

I don't know what processor I'll use yet, but I've built a couple with the A6-5400K, and great price point on it also.

Any suggestions or warnings?

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I started to write "this" and then changed my mind when reread your setup plans ... and "this" is if you are going to start running VM's like windows etc you should consider ECC ram and a board that supports it. I like the board and ram in my sig.


But to answer your question, you shouldn't t need iommu just for VM's but you need it if you're going to pass through things like a video card. Though there is a small part of my brain telling me that you might need it regardless for KVM (I'm using Xen). Point is, you'll want to do some more research if that is your future goal, and again, consider something that accepts ECC ram.

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