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Help with Upgrading to Unraid 6 and Docker


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If Somebody Can help me!! :D  I am running Unraid 5.0.5 With Phazed SAB, PLEX, SICK, COUCH Plug Ins!! the NAS is been running fine for about a year now!!


I want to Upgrade to Unraid 6 and use Docker for all my apps!!! I currently have 3 Media Drives a Cache and a Parity Drive!! I store all the apps in the cache drive in cache only share!  And use the cache drive for my primary Share that is configure like this:  /mnt/user/Unraid/Movies

                                                                        /TV Shows


What I need to do to upgrade to Unraid 6 and use Dockers in the Cache Drive and have all my current app data and configuration?  Can I use the current PLEX, SICK, COUCH, SAB preferences in the new Dockers containers?


Right now all my downloads are from Sab and I have Sickbeard and Couch feeding the downloads from a complete downloads folder in the Sab app foulder!  What are the steps or paths configurations to keep all at is it? 


It is OK to upgrade or it is better to just start from scratch?  Any Suggestion is Welcome!!!  I am been using Unraid since 5 beta 4 and it been Working very Good for me!!

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It is possible to import some config files, but sometimes the paths are different depending on how you run the docker.


I have to say I remember running plugins before I left UnRAID for a while and have found it much easier to get Docker's up and going.


I'd backup your flash drive contents with your V5 install, start afresh with V6 and then try importing your configs once you've got the docker apps up and going. Can always go back to V5 if it doesn't work out.


I'd recommend spending a bit of time getting used to Dockers and experimenting.


Also for what it's worth, I'd take this opportunity to migrate to NZBGet from SABNzbd (Lighter on resources and in my experience, faster downloads) and NZBDrone/Sonarr (Just fantastic, way better than Sickbeard in my humble opinion) 



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