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Determining unRAID Version


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I've been reading about the unmenu-web project and noticed that one of the issues was trying to determine the running unRAID version.  I saw a few examples of getting the version for the system and various other places.  I decided to try a "brute force" approach and came up with:


zcat /boot/bzroot|grep -Eao "noOper.version=[1-9]\.[1-9].{1,5}[0-9]{1,2}"|cut "-b16-"


As you can see, I call it brute force because it attempts to parse the bzroot file for the version number.  This commend works on all the versions that are currently available for download including betas, but it could certainly break.  I'm not sure how long this will take to run on slower systems, but if the results are saved along with the md5 or modification date of the bzimage file, it should only need to be done once per version change.


I thought I'd put this up in case it helps anyone.


Please don't laugh at my lack of regexp talent....  ;D

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