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Just did a fresh install of Unraid 6 from 5. Worried about destroying my array.


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I just did a fresh install of Unraid 6 after being on Unraid 5 for years. I moved all my drives into a new build and I've assigned them exactly how I had them before. But is says "initial configuration" on the array instead of "valid array" or whatever.


See attached images.


What do I do to make sure I don't lose all my stuff?



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Yes, you did it correctly.


Your parity check should come back fine :)


Either way, even if you'd left it to rebuild parity it wouldnt touch the data on the disks. So providing the disks are still fine, it would've just rebuilt the parity drive. However obviously you dont want to do this if you dont have to (As during the parity write for the first time, if you have a drive fail you will be unable to rebuild it and so would lose the data on that drive)


In future though, id recommend being patient before guessing the correct answer - especially if you are unsure as to what can potentially happen, as you could cause yourself to lose all your data over a silly mistake in the future.

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In future though, id recommend being patient before guessing the correct answer - especially if you are unsure as to what can potentially happen, as you could cause yourself to lose all your data over a silly mistake in the future.


Thanks for the confirmation!


Yes, you're right. While I was waiting I did a deep dive on any thread I could find even remotely related to my problem and saw it mentioned several times. Ultimately, it was the impatience of my GF for my fiddling with computers that led to me just hitting start.

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