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Norco 4224 + 5/6TB drive owners please speak up.


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I've searched, and didn't come up with much of anything.


I'll be replacing the few last 3TB drives in one of my 4224's and a three 4TB drives with either 5 or 6TB drives.  I'd like to know if anyone can just leave a quick reply if you are using 5 or 6TB drives in your 4224 and if you wouldn't mind going a step further, let me know the model (unless you know the spun up wattage).


I've not had any problems with my backplanes in either of mine, though, given the reports when used with higher power drives (here and there), I'd rather not press my luck, given the damage that could take place.  Thus my question.  Thank you in advance too all that reply.


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